
42 MONTEREY COUNTY WEEKLY OCTOBER 31-NOVEMBER 6, 2024 www.montereycountynow.com classifieds Legal Notices Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on Sep. 16, 2024. Signed Agustin Fletes. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: Oct. 24, 31, Nov. 7, 14, 2024. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: File No. 20241891. The following person is doing business as SUMMER HILL LABRADOODLES at 530 Paradise Rd, Salinas, CA 93907. Summer Hill Labradoodles LLC, same address. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on Oct. 10, 2024. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on Oct. 03, 2024. Signed Karen File, CEO. This business is conducted by a limited liability company. Publication dates: Oct. 24, 31, Nov. 7, 14, 2024. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: File No. 20241868. The following person is doing business as THE SEWING CORNER at 620 Lighthouse Ave Suite 200, Pacific Grove, CA 93950. Bronze Silver gold Inc, same address. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on Oct. 07, 2024. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. Signed Franceska Paloma Alexander, President. This business is conducted by a corporation. Publication dates: Oct. 24, 31, Nov. 7, 14, 2024. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: File No. 20241892. The following person is doing business as DIRECT FINGERPRINTING SERVICES at 705 Jefferson St, Salinas, CA 93905. Claudia Perez Matias, same address. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on Oct. 10, 2024. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on Oct. 10, 2024. Signed Claudia Perez Matias. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: Oct. 24, 31, Nov. 7, 14, 2024. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: File No. 20241917. The following person is doing business as MATEO CONSTRUCTION at 1233 San Pablo Ave #B, Seaside, CA 93955. Carlos Alfredo Flores Perez, same address. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on Oct. 16, 2024. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on Oct. 16, 2024. Signed Carlos Flores. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: Oct. 24, 31, Nov. 7, 14, 2024. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: File No. 20241927. The following person is doing business as TACOS EL SALITRE at 890 Rider Ave Apt E, Salinas, CA 93905. Lucero de los Angeles Martinez Lopez, same address. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on Oct. 17, 2024. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on June 01, 2023. Signed Lucero de los Angeles Martinez. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: Oct. 24, 31, Nov. 7, 14, 2024. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: File No. 20241815. The following person is doing business as ODDITIES TATTOOS & ANTIQUES at 856 Lighthouse Ave, Monterey, CA 93940. Salemtattoos LLC, same address. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on Sep. 26, 2024. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. Signed Berit Piik, Manging Member. This business is conducted by a limited liability company. Publication dates: Oct. 17, 24, 31, Nov. 7, 2024. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: File No. 20241845. The following person is doing business as MIREYA’S BEAUTY SALON at 17589 Vierra Canyon Rd Suite B-03, Prunedale, CA 93907. Mirella Garcia Luis, same address. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on Oct. 02, 2024. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 2014. Signed Mirella Garcia Luis. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: Oct. 17, 24, 31, Nov. 7, 2024. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: File No. 20241899. The following person is doing business as FORSTER MANAGEMENT at 28006 Mercurio Road, Carmel, CA 93923. T.C.F. Design, Inc., PO Box 222783, Carmel, CA 93922. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on Oct. 11, 2024. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on Oct. 10, 2024. Signed Trevor Forster, President. This business is conducted by a corporation. Publication dates: Oct. 17, 24, 31, Nov. 7, 2024. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: File No. 20241840. The following person is doing business as RIVKAH’S STUDIO PRODUCTIONS at 529 D Capitol St, Salinas, CA 93901. Rebecca Marie Rodick, PO Box 10455, Salinas, CA 939127455. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on Oct. 01, 2024. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. Signed Rebecca M. Rodick. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: Oct. 17, 24, 31, Nov. 7, 2024. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: File No. 20241819. The following person is doing business as AUTONATION FINANCE at 6 Executive Circle, Suite #100, Irvine, CA 92614. CIG Financial, LLC, same address. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on Sep. 27, 2024. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on June 01, 2024. Signed Kimberly Gershon. This business is conducted by a limited liability company. Publication dates: Oct. 17, 24, 31, Nov. 7, 2024. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: File No. 20241731. The following person is doing business as MATTERS OF CONSEQUENCE at 10110 Reese Circle, Prunedale, CA 93907. Alan Parker Watwood, same address. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on Sep. 12, 2024. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. Signed Alan Parker Watwood. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: Oct. 17, 24, 31, Nov. 7, 2024. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: File No. 20241843. The following person is doing business as PLAZA DEL MONTE at 1225 Del Monte Ave, Salinas, CA 93905. Gallardo Investments, LLC, 1739 Humboldt Dr, Salinas, CA 93906. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on Oct. 02, 2024. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on Dec. 21, 2015. Signed Emmanuel Gallardo, Managing Member. This business is conducted by a limited liability company. Publication dates: Oct. 17, 24, 31, Nov. 7, 2024. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: File No. 20241904. The following person is doing business as ROMAN ORGANIC FARM at 1700 Old Stage Rd, Salinas, CA 93908. Genaro Roman Castaneda, 2279 Perez St Apt 292, Salinas, CA 93906. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on Oct. 14, 2024. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. Signed Genaro Roman Castaneda. This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: Oct. 17, 24, 31, Nov. 7, 2024. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: File No. 20241799. The following person is doing business as DARLING NAILS SPA 2 at 1249 N. Davis Rd, Salinas, CA 93907. Hua Family Group, Inc., 2021 Santiago Ave, San Jose, CA 95122. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on Sep. 24, 2024. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. Signed Tai Thanh Hua, CEO. This business is conducted by a corporation. Publication dates: Oct. 17, 24, 31, Nov. 7, 2024. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: File No. 20241798. The following person is doing business as DARLING NAILS SPA 1 at 325 Gabilan Dr, Soledad, CA 93960. Hua Family Group, Inc., 2021 Santiago Ave, San Jose, CA 95122. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on Sep. 24, 2024. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. Signed Tai Thanh Hua, CEO. This business is conducted by a corporation. Publication dates: Oct. 17, 24, 31, Nov. 7, 2024. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT: File No. 20241864. The following person is doing business as FLOWER PEDALS at 161 Seeno St, Monterey, CA 93940. Sierra Lynn Doss, same address. This statement was filed with the Clerk of Monterey County on Oct. 07, 2024. Registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on Oct. 07, 2024. Signed Sierra Doss . This business is conducted by an individual. Publication dates: Oct. 17, 24, 31, Nov. 7, 2024. STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME: File No. 20241871. The following person has abandoned the use of the fictitious business name MP EXPRESS: at 324 Lincoln Ave, Salinas, CA 93901. Alberto Maldonado, 13 Saguaro Cir, Salinas, CA 93905. The fictitious business name referred to above was filed in Monterey County on Oct. 08, 2019. Signed: Albert Maldonado. This business was conducted by an individual. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Monterey County on Oct. 07, 2024. PubAviso de Audiencia Junta de Supervisores del Condado de Monterey POR LA PRESENTE SE NOTIFICA que la Junta de Supervisores del Condado de Monterey, Estado de California, llevará a cabo una audiencia pública para: 1. C onsiderar la aprobación de la Enmienda No. 16 al Acuerdo de Franquicia Unificada A‑11631 entre el Condado de Monterey y Waste Management, Inc. dba USA Waste of California dba Carmel Marina Corp., en relación con las tarifas propuestas para los servicios y los ajustes a las tarifas actuales; y 2. Aprobar y autorizar al Director de Salud a ejecutar la Enmienda No. 16 al Acuerdo de Franquicia Unificada A‑11631 entre el Condado de Monterey y Waste Management, Inc. dba USA Waste of California dba Carmel Marina Corp., en relación con las tarifas propuestas para los servicios y los ajustes a las tarifas actuales. La fecha de la audiencia es el 12 de noviembre de 2024 a la hora de las 10:30 am en las Cámaras de la Junta de Supervisores del Condado de Monterey, Centro de Gobierno del Condado, ubicado en 168 West Alisal Street, Primer Piso, Salinas, California, en cuyo momento y lugar todas y cada una de las personas interesadas pueden comparecer y ser escuchadas al respecto. SI IMPUGNA ESTE ASUNTO EN UN TRIBUNAL, ES POSIBLE QUE SE VEA LIMITADO A PLANTEAR SOLO LAS CUESTIONES QUE USTED U OTRA PERSONA PLANTEARON EN LA AUDIENCIA DESCRITA EN ESTE AVISO DE AUDIENCIA, O EN LA CORRESPONDENCIA ESCRITA ENTREGADA A LA AUTORIDAD CORRESPONDIENTE EN O ANTES DE LA AUDIENCIA DESCRITA EN ESTE AVISO DE AUDIENCIA. PARA OBTENER INFORMACIÓN ADICIONAL, PÓNGASE EN CONTACTO CON: Robin Kimball, Analista de Gestión III Departamento de Salud del Condado de Monterey Oficina de Salud Ambiental 1270 Natividad Road Salinas, California Teléfono: (831) 796‑1297 kimballrs@countyofmonterey.gov Notice of Hearing Monterey County Board of Supervisors NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Monterey County Board of Supervisors, State of California will conduct a public hearing to: 1. C onsider approval of Amendment No. 16 to Unified Franchise Agreement A‑11631 between the County of Monterey and Waste Management, Inc. dba USA Waste of California dba Carmel Marina Corp., relating to proposed rates for services and adjustments to current rates; and 2. A pprove and authorize the Director of Health to execute Amendment No. 16 to Unified Franchise Agreement A‑11631 between the County of Monterey and Waste Management, Inc. dba USA Waste of California dba Carmel Marina Corp., relating to proposed rates for services and adjustments to current rates. The hearing date is November 12, 2024, at the hour of 10:30 am in the Monterey County Board of Supervisors Chambers, County Government Center, located at 168 West Alisal Street, First Floor, Salinas, California, at which time and place any and all interested persons may appear and be heard thereon. IF YOU CHALLENGE THIS MATTER IN COURT, YOU MAY BE LIMITED TO RAISING ONLY THOSE ISSUES YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE RAISED AT THE HEARING DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE OF HEARING, OR IN WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE DELIVERED TO THE APPROPRIATE AUTHORITY AT OR BEFORE THE HEARING DESCRIBED IN THIS NOTICE OF HEARING. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT: Robin Kimball, Management Analyst III County of Monterey Department of Health Environmental Health Bureau 1270 Natividad Road Salinas, California Telephone (831) 796‑1297 kimballrs@countyofmonterey.gov Notice of Public Hearing County of Monterey Zoning Administrator NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Zoning Administrator of the County of Monterey, State of California will hold a public hearing to consider taking action on the project described below. The hearing will be held on Thursday, November 14, 2024 at the hour of 9:30 am In addition to attending in person, public participation will be available by electronic and/ or telephonic means. The agenda for the Zoning Administrator meeting will provide infor‑ mation on how the public may observe and provide testimony telephonically, electronically, or in person in the Thyme Conference Room, located at the Monterey County Government Center at 1441 Schilling Place, 2nd Floor, Salinas, CA 93901. At least 72 hours ahead of the meeting, the agenda will be posted at 1441 Schilling Place, Salinas, CA 93901 and on the County website at the following Address: https://monterey.legistar.‌com/Calendar.aspx Any and all persons interested in participating in the public hearing on the project are encouraged to submit comments via email to zahearingcomments@co.monterey. ca.us by 5:00 pm the Wednesday prior to the Zoning Administrator hearing to facilitate distribution of the comments to the Administrator Project Name: SANTA ROSA MOTEL CO (FORMERLY RANCHO DEL MONTE COUNTRY CLUB CV L P); Project File No.: PLN210091; Project Planner: Mary Israel, (831) 755‑5183 or IsraelM@countyofmonterey.gov; Project Description: Consider demolition and rebuild of nine structures and site renovations to the existing Portofino Inn located near Carmel Valley Road, and removal of two protected oak trees (one landmark). CVMP Project Location: 10 Country Club Way, Carmel Valley, Ca 93924 (187‑252‑011‑000), Carmel Valley Master Plan, Proposed CEQA Action: Find the project Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15302 of the CEQA Guidelines, and there are no exceptions pursuant to Section 15300.2. Project Name: LARA EDWARD & VIDAL ROSA G HERNANDEZ; Project File No.: PLN210270; Project Planner: Joseph Alameda, Alamedaj@countyofmonterey.gov; Project Description: Consider the conversion of an existing detached structure to a 425 square foot guest house and a 775 square foot attached workshop and to allow the guesthouse to exceed 12 feet in height. Project Location: 49 Hillcrest Rd, Royal Oaks, Ca 95076 (117‑081‑017‑000), North County Coastal Land Use Plan, Proposed CEQA Action: Find the project Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines, and there are no exceptions pursuant to Section 15300.2. Project Name: TERRANOVA MICHAEL R & LINNEA E; Project File No.: PLN230174; Project Planner: Benjamin Moulton, (831) 755‑5240 or MoultonB@countyofmonterey. gov; Project Description: Consider construction of a two‑story single family dwelling (approx. 3,340 SF) with attached three‑car garage (approx. 1,008 SF), and removal of three Coast live oaks. Project Location: 12167 SADDLE RD, CARMEL VALLEY, CA 93924 (416‑122‑036‑000), Greater Monterey Peninsula Area Plan, Proposed CEQA Action: Find the project Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines, and there are no exceptions pursuant to Section 15300.2. IF YOU CHALLENGE THIS MATTER IN COURT, YOU MAY BE LIMITED TO RAISING ONLY THOSE ISSUES YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE RAISED AT THE PUBLIC HEARING DESCRIBED IN THIS PUBLIC NOTICE OR IN WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE DELIVERED TO THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR AT OR BEFORE THE PUBLIC HEARING. Si necesita la traducción de este aviso, comuníquese con el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Comunitario del Condado de Monterey ubicado en el Centro de Gobierno del Condado de Monterey, 1441 Schilling Place, segundo piso, Salinas o por teléfono al (831) 755‑5025. Después de su solicitud, la Secretaria asistirá con la traducción de este aviso. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT: County of Monterey Housing and Community Development, 1441 Schilling Place, South 2nd Floor Salinas CA 93901 (831) 755‑5025