Monterey County Gives! 2024

COMMUNITY & SOCIAL SERVICES DONATE ONLINE MCGIVES.COM GATHERING FOR WOMEN – MONTEREY Year Founded: 1994 Paid Staff and Volunteers: 12 paid, 81 volunteers Budget: $1,360,085 241-6154 Big Idea: Gathering for Women, a resource hub for local unhoused women, saw a 15-percent increase in new guests seeking services in 2023. To meet this need, the nonprofit launched a new housing navigation program, which successfully found housing for six women in the first half of 2024. This recent success led to Gathering for Women’s Big Idea: to expand the case management program to include a full-time housing navigator and an additional case manager to reach even more women in need. “If it wasn’t for the Gathering for Women, I don’t think I would even be here. I feel like they saved my life…They just will help you in every way possible. And they treat you with the most respect; they will listen to you, they will help direct you, they will give you the referral services that you need. I just feel that this particular organization is lifesaving and life-changing.” -2023 Gathering for Women guest HARMONY AT HOME Year Founded: 2004 Paid Staff and Volunteers: 45.5 paid, 14 volunteers Budget: $4,421,634 625-5160 BIG IDEA: Harmony At Home focuses on the essential social and emotional lessons youth and families need for happier relationships. This nonprofit’s Big Idea emphasizes bullying prevention, trauma counseling and co-parenting education. These programs are organized into comprehensive packages that help children and teens heal from trauma, support families navigating a tense divorce and provide home visits and educational resources for young parents. With tools provided by Harmony At Home, local families can heal from trauma, learn healthier mental habits and build meaningful bonds. “Alternative Education’s partnership with Harmony At Home allows direct therapeutic services addressing social-emotional well-being to be provided to Salinas Community School students at the SAFE and I-TAP programs without any barriers to service as needed. It has proven to be a major stabilizing factor for both students and staff.” -Gail Bengard, LMFT, Alt. Ed. school counselor HEALTH PROJECTS CENTER Year Founded: 1980 Paid Staff and Volunteers: 59 paid, 4 volunteers Budget: $5,184,710 (800) 624-8304 BIG IDEA: Caregivers among us give their all to the loved ones in their care, and it can take a toll—they 56 Monterey County GIVES! 2024 Contributions to THE FUND FOR INDEPENDENT JOURNALISM IN MONTEREY COUNTY are tax-deductible. Please visit MONTEREYCOUNTYGIVES.COM/JOURNALISM to donate Reader revenue and philanthropy are two trends in media business today that have helped news organizations continue to perform this vital work. Goal for MC Gives! is to raise $60,000. That money will be invested to fund increased investigative reporting and media literacy in 2025. Your support is vital. Thank you. SuppoRT The fund foR independenT jouRnaliSM in MonTeReY CounTY DEMOCRACY DEPENDS ON INDEPENDENT JOURNALISM pRoduCinG ThaT jouRnaliSM RequiReS new ReSouRCeS