Support Local & Independent Journalism

Support Local Independent Journalism Hey there, As a regular reader of Monterey County Weekly and Monterey County NOW, and an informed member of the community, you have no doubt realized that the economic model of journalism has changed radically in the recent past. In the media landscape of today, the Weekly and NOW rely on reader support to fulfill our mission. We’re thrilled that 3,641 readers have already supported us with financial contributions. Thank you. These are your friends and neighbors, and you can find their names in these pages. This is a group that has earned the moniker Weekly Insiders. We’d like you to consider joining them and help us grow this community. Please help us hit our target of 400 new Insiders in April by contributing at the amount that works for you. Every little bit helps, and with your support we can keep making a positive impact in Monterey County. Click on to sign up, or use the form here to send in a check. This isn’t begging, this isn’t charity, this is a collection of people recognizing the value of local journalism and choosing to help underwrite the costs. If you become a Weekly Insider before the end of April, your first month’s contribution will be matched, dollar for dollar. But wait, there’s more: If you join before the end of April at the $15-per-month level (or above!) we’ll send you a stylish “Totally Locally” Squid reusable shopping bag with our sincere appreciation. Become a Monterey County Weekly Insider: september 7-13, 2023 locAl & InDepenDent A veterAn’s long journey 6 | sIngIng for ukrAIne 31 | InDycAr speeDs up 32 | AlohA spIrIt 34 Violinist Tien-Hsin Cindy Wu is rethinking what Monterey County’s classical music scene can be. p. 20 by Agata pope˛da wu’s worlD march 30-april 5, 2023 local & inDepenDent what’s next for pajaro 10 | parklet progress in p.g. 17 | insiDe the aquarium’s octopus tank 34 What our pets—from fish to cats and dogs—say about us, and what experts say about them. p. 20 • Does cBD work? • financial aiD for pets • raw fooD Diets • Dog-frienDly menus The Pet Issue AUGUST 10-16, 2023 MONTEREYCOUNTYWEEKLY.COM LOCAL & INDEPENDENT CRACKING COLD CASES 10 | CAR WEEK ROLLS INTO TOWN 30 | OH, THE HORROR! 32 | DRINK A RAINBOW 38 A TALE OF TWO (TINY) CITIES The story of how Del Rey Oaks and Sand City came to be. p. 20 By David Schmalz Sand City CITY LIMIT POP 325 ELEV 45 Del Rey Oaks CITY LIMIT POP 1,592 ELEV 65 february 22-28, 2024 local & InDePenDent a new research frontIer 8 | no more bIg tech free rIDe? 13 | brIngIng the heatwaves 30 …and other bizarre restrictions from east garrison’s hoa leadership. residents want change. p. 16 by David schmalz this flower Pot is Illegal 28 MONTEREY COUNTY WEEKLY march 28-april 3, 2024