BEST OF MONTEREY COUNTY® 2024 21 Thank you to the readers of the Monterey County Weekly! ’24 I am honored to again be voted the Best Local Politician by the readers of the Weekly. I also am very humbled to be chosen by people who are so thoughtful, caring, and committed to Monterey County. I thank you and the Weekly, and, as your United States Representative, look forward to living up to this title and your expectations by continuing my service to you and this place that we call home. With deep appreciation, thank you FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT WE ARE HUMBLED AND BEYOND GRATEFUL TO BE NAMED BEST OF MONTEREY: BOUTIQUE FITNESS STUDIO 2024 NEW TO OUR STUDIO, OR WANTING TO COME CHECK US OUT AGAIN? TEXT US AT 650.899.8013 AND MENTION THIS AD TO: SAVE $10 ON A DROP-IN CREDIT -ORSAVE $10 ON YOUR FIRST MONTH WITH A NEW RIDER MEMBERSHIP FUEL CYCLING EST. AUGUST 2021 BEST OF MONTEREY: BOUTIQUE FITNESS STUDIO 2022 & 2024 831.884.2377 | 2700 Garden Road, Monterey, CA 93940 | | Follow us on Instagram: @fuel_cycling OFFER EXPIRES 12.31.2024 BEST PARK Thank you to Point Lobos staff, docent volunteers and PLF supporters for your dedication to Point Lobos State Natural Reserve. Honored to be voted by readers as Best Park 8 years in a row! Photo by Chuck Bancroft ’24 Hooray! Your enthusiasm and love for our store mean the world to us! Over 8 million given back to the community in grants and scholarships. To donate call (831) 626-8480 or visit to learn more. ’24 Thanks to your votes, we’ve been voted the Best Vintage Clothing store in Monterey County again!