16 MONTEREY COUNTY WEEKLY december 26, 2024-january 1, 2025 www.montereycountynow.com Ranch Land It is beautiful land, and should remain in conservation. Kudos to these three for helping that come to pass (“Nonprofit Trust for Public Land is acquiring Ferrini Ranch to transfer to Big Sur Land Trust,” Dec. 19-25). Walter Wagner | Salinas Believe in Something Thanks, Sara Rubin for The Local Spin (“Christmas icons are all over public property, a sign of the times.,” Dec. 19-25). I was born and raised in the Southern Hemisphere where Christmas is at the beginning of summer. No snow on evergreen trees; rather longer days and the start of summer vacation from school, when we were allowed to ride our bikes until 9pm because it was still daylight. Growing up in a Catholic country, the symbol of Christmas was the nativity scene, devoid of snow. Having lived here for 42 years, I still see the Christmas tree as a lovely pagan symbol of the winter season, just like the Easter bunny is a pagan symbol of spring and fertility. By the way, I had never seen an Easter bunny until I came to the States. Both Christmas and Easter were deeply religious holidays in my childhood memories. Religious symbols, of any religion, do not offend me, but I am a believer in equal opportunity; if the Christmas tree and the nativity are displayed, so too should be the menorah and the Hindu Ohm, and Muslim crescent with a star, etc. Happy holidays, whatever you celebrate. Mabelle Lernoud | Monterey Lights Out With every gust of wind. We’ve been begging PG&E to put the power lines underground for 40 years (“High winds and intense rain take out power to over 38,000 customers, mostly on the Monterey Peninsula,” posted Dec. 14). Trish Sohlé | via social media Well, looks like Pacific Grove won’t be getting power back until 2025. Sean McCray | via social media Off Trail It is with great disappointment I read the Weekly’s article on the termination of General Manager Rafael Payan’s contract with Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District that was significantly biased against him (“Monterey Regional Park District’s general manager is fired after an unusually public kerfuffle,” Dec. 12-18). There was no mention of the many public commenters from both his own staff and from the community, including Marina’s mayor and a city councilmember. These comments were about Rafael’s being respected and loved by so many, of his many positive regional contributions, talking about the “toxic environment” of MPRPD with implications for systemic racism given his Mexican and Indigenous background, about his championing a marginalized community of color, of his high-level professional experience and credentials. There was no effort to balance out the board’s investigations and other actions targeting him for dismissal, with an opposite view of Rafael that is also true. I can think of many public figures who might have people who love him/her and with others diametrically opposite that hate and vilify that same person. In the aftermath, let’s all realize that this may be the unfortunate case of Rafael, but those in power had the final decision. Kathy Biala | Marina Note: Biala is a member of Marina City Council. For a Ride David Schmalz, thanks for staying on top of this story (“Monterey-Salinas Transit will be getting less federal money than expected for SURF! busway,” Dec. 12-18). Based on your reporting, it would seem that MST’s costs for SURF! rose by $10.67 million due to the immediate needs of redesigning the busway to meet the Coastal Commission’s requirements. I think that still leaves open the question of what mitigation costs will still be needed for SURF! The project’s price tag is likely to rise yet again. Hans Ongchua | Marina Dying with Dignity Great choice to highlight this place with an article (“Monterey County Gives!: When there’s nowhere else to go in the final days, Jerry’s Place offers safe refuge at no cost,” Nov. 28-Dec. 4). Ryan James Miller | via social media Dr. Jerry Rubin was a beautiful human. Sydney Wasson | via social media Dr. John Hausdorff is an amazing man. Dallas Shake | via social media Beyond Books Thank you for the wonderful article about the Harrison Memorial Library Foundation (“Monterey County Gives!: The Carmel Public Library Foundation supports an extensive collection of historic artifacts,” Dec. 5-11). The library is the heart and soul of Carmel and the surrounding areas. Well done. Ben Heinrich | Carmel Valley Note: Heinrich is a past president of the Carmel Library Foundation. In Gratitude Every week, a new cover, a new main article. I was pleased to see pre-election endorsements when Big City dailies didn’t, and so-called “locals” across the country (chains) didn’t [endorse] either—even when I disagreed a few times with your local choices. And election night parties covered, with photos—fun! (Minus the libations.) And follow-up to let the readers know who did win locally! Thank you for your careful note-taking and then the end product, including Monterey County Gives! and Best Of Readers’ Poll, etc. And the Weekly has evenly printed letters pro and con. Nancy Riddle Iversen | Salinas Correction A story about experimental crab fishing gear inaccurately stated how some of the ropeless traps work (“Some good news for crabbers (and crab lovers) comes amid season delays,” Dec. 19-25). They use an acoustic signal, not bluetooth. The photo depicts EdgeTech, not Sub Sea Sonics gear. Letters • CommentsOPINION Submit letters to the editor to letters@montereycountynow.com. Please keep your letter to 150 words or less; subject to editing for space. Please include your full name, contact information and city you live in.