www.montereycountynow.com NOVEMBER 28-DECEMBER 4, 2024 MONTEREY COUNTY WEEKLY 7 101 WORD STORY CONTEST First Prize is $101 2nd and 3rd place winners receive gift certificates! We’ll publish the winners in our December 26, 2024 issue 1. All stories must contain the word “free” (or freely, frees, freedom, etc.) 2. Stories may contain fewer than 101 words. 3. If a hyphenated word can be broken into two (or more) free-standing words it will be counted as two (or more) words. 4. Abbreviations are counted as one word. (“CA” or “California,” it’s still one word.) 5. Contractions are counted as one word. (“Isn’t” is one word; “is not” is two.) 6. Titles are not counted and are not necessary. 7. We reserve the right to re-title stories. 8. Poems are not acceptable. 9. Limit 3 entries per person. 10. If you mail in your entry, it must be submitted on 8.5 x 11 inch paper. Upload stories at: www.montereycountynow.com/101words or by mail: Monterey County Weekly 101-Word Short Story Contest 668 Williams Ave., Seaside CA 93955 SUNDAY, DEC. 1 BY 5PM Write your name, address and phone number on each page you submit. Monterey County Weekly assumes no responsibility for returning submissions. PRINT | WEB | MOBILE december 21-27, 2023 montereycountyweekly.com locAl & IndePendent wInter weAther forecAst 16 | merry squIdmAs 21 | flower Power 42 | holIdAy beer cheer 46 check out the wInners of the 101-word short story contest, those thAt cAme close And A few thAt mIght rAIse A curIous eyebrow. P. 26 A Tale Wagging 101-Word Short Story Contest 2023 ♥ Shop LOCAL this holiday ♥ season ♥ p. 24 New for 2024! All stories must contain the word “free” (or freely, frees, freedom, etc.) GET WRITING Deadline extended to Sun. Dec. 1