www.montereycountynow.com october 24-30, 2024 MONTEREY COUNTY WEEKLY 21 PROP 33 Yes! ALSO SUPPORTS: for MONTEREY MAYOR for MONTEREY CITY COUCIL, DISTRICT 4 for MONTEREY CITY COUCIL DISTRICT 3 Paid for by the Democratic Women of Monterey County, FPPC#1282023 Vote for leadership in Community Engagement: Mayor meets with neighborhood association presidents quarterly to hear feedback and concerns. Council supported the first ever joint NCIP-Council meeting. Tyller and Gino advocate for our renter population, an underrepresented voice in Monterey County, and for bringing in new voices to the public process. Vote for leadership in Public Safety: Investments in equipment for fire and police. Vote for leadership in Housing Policy: Council is developing 100% affordable housing while preserving the historic character of Monterey. Tyller and Gino support renters to retain our workforce, for homeless prevention, and to protect our local economy. Council developed a unique renter assistance program to protect residents from displacement. Vote for leadership in Fiscal Responsibility: Improved the fiscal health of the City by growing the community’s rainy day fund and public facility reserves. Let’s continue to move Monterey forward with inclusive policies that will help improve the quality of life for ALL residents. PROP 33 Yes! ALSO SUPPORTS: for MONTEREY MAYOR for MONTEREY CITY COUCIL, DISTRICT 4 Paid for by the Democratic Women of Monterey County, FPPC#1282023 Vote for leadership in Community Engagement: Mayor meets with neighborhood association presidents quarterly to h and concerns. Council supported the first ever joint NCIP-Council me and Gino advocate for our renter population, an underrepresented Monterey County, and for bringing in new voices to the public p Vote for leadership in Public Safety: Investments in equipment for fire and police. Vote for leadership in Housing Policy: Council is developing 100% affordable housing while preserving th character of Monterey. Tyller and Gino support renters to retain our w homeless prevention, and to protect our local economy. Council develo renter assistance program to protect residents from displacem Vote for leadership in Fiscal Responsibility: Improved the fiscal health of the City by growing the community’s ra and public facility reserves. Let’s continue to move Monterey forward with inclusive policies th improve the quality of life for ALL residents. Paid for by Tyller Williamson for Monterey Mayor 2024 FPPC #: 1470630 Vote for leadership in Community Engagement: Tyller meets with neighborhood association presidents quarterly to hear feedback and concerns. He held the first ever joint Neighborhood Community Improvement Program council meeting to hear the needs of that committee. Tyller advocates for our renter population, an underrepresented voice in Monterey County, and for bringing in new voices to the public process. Vote for leadership in Public Safety: Investments in equipment for fire and police. Vote for leadership in Housing Policy: Council is developing 100% affordable housing while perserving the historic character of Monterey. Tyller supports renters to retain our workforce, for homeless prevention, and to protect our local economy. Council developed a unique renter assistance program to protect residents from displacement. Vote for leadership in Fiscal Responsibility: Improved the fiscal health of the City by growing the community’s rainy day fund and public facility reserves. Let’s continue to move Monterey Forward with inclusive policies that will help improve the quality of life for ALL residents. https://tyllerformonterey.org/ TYLLER WILLIAMSON for Monterey County