www.montereycountynow.com SEPTEMBER 19-25, 2024 MONTEREY COUNTY WEEKLY 23 For more information: www.ci.marina.ca.us REDUCE waste by bringing reusable bags to grocery shop. PREVENT wildlife from getting caught in sixpack rings by cutting them up. PLANT native gardens to save water, reduce pesticide use. RECYCLE at your home, business and school. PICK UP after your dog and dispose of waste in the trash to help prevent water pollution. VOLUNTEER for beach clean ups and storm drain stenciling. The City of Marina Storm Water Program invites you to help PROTECT our COASTAL COMMUNITY Your simple actions can have a positive effect for future generations! SEPT. 26TH 3-7PM SEASIDE FARMERS’ MARKET LAGUNA GRANDE PARK TICKETS: $20 WWW.EVERYONESHARVEST.ORG SEASIDE SIPS & CELEBRATIONS LOCAL CUISINE, CRAFT BEVERAGES, COOKING DEMOS & COMMUNITY SPIRIT! THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! ALL PRE-PURCHASED TICKETS WILL BE ENTERED TO WIN A $100 MARKET VOUCHER!