www.montereycountynow.com SEPTEMBER 19-25, 2024 MONTEREY COUNTY WEEKLY 17 Don’t miss this opportunity to stand out among the finest arts available in Monterey County and deliver your marketing message to the Weekly’s active and engaged audience. Fall into the arts Be a part of Monterey County Weekly’s annual Fall Arts Issue To place an ad call 831-394-5656 AD DEADLINE September 23 PUBLISHES September 26 Fall Arts Preview PROGRAMS FOR ALL AGES ALL YEAR LONG! THE CITY OF MONTEREY FOR MORE INFO + REGISTRATION MONTEREY.GOV/REC (831) 646-3866 SCAN ME! play! MONTEREY PRESCHOOL ADULT & SENIOR PROGRAMS ADULT SPORTS LEAGUES GYMNASTICS YOUTH DANCE CLASSES SCHOOL BREAK & SUMMER CAMPS YOUTH SPORTS LEAGUES & CAMPS AND MUCH MORE! Prevention•Education•Treatment•Recovery Preventing alcohol and drug addiction by offering education, prevention, treatment and recovery to individuals and families regardless of income level. SEPTEMBER IS RECOGNIZED AS NATIONAL RECOVERY MONTH! Dedicated to celebrating those that are in recovery and the service providers that work year-round to help rebuild the lives of families in Monterey County. Support youth prevention services! www.SunStreetCenters.org