
www.montereycountynow.com AUGUST 8-14, 2024 MONTEREY COUNTY WEEKLY 23 ROLEX MONTEREY MOTORSPORTS REUNION KICK-OFF RACE CAR SHOW Prepare for a Rumbling Arrival! ▪ Raffles ▪ Ticket Specials ▪ Meet the Drivers ▪ Fun for Entire Families! Friday, August 9 | 5:00 - 7:00 P.M Alvarado Street, Downtown Monterey For Camping and ticket information visit WeatherTechRaceway.com Prevention•Education•Treatment•Recovery Preventing alcohol and drug addiction by offering education, prevention, treatment and recovery to individuals and families regardless of income level. ARE YOU IN HIGH SCHOOL AND LOOKING TO VOLUNTEER OR GET A JOB? Join our afterschool drug and alcohol prevention program, the Safe Teens Empowerment Project (STEPS). Support youth prevention services! www.SunStreetCenters.org