www.montereycountynow.com JUNE 20-26, 2024 MONTEREY COUNTY WEEKLY 9 831.479.6000 • www.bayfed.com • 888.4BAYFED Federally Insured by NCUA | Equal Housing Lender 3.30% APY* 3-month Certificate 4.08% APY* 6-month Certificate 4.60% APY* 12-month Certificate Short-Term Goals, Long-Term Gain! *Annual Percentage Yield (APY). APY is effective as of May 1, 2024. $1,000 minimum deposit required to open and maintain Certificate account. APY assumes the dividends are reinvested and remain in the account for the full term. Individual Retirement Account (IRA) Certificates are eligible for this offer. Penalty for early withdrawal. Bay Federal Credit Union membership required. This offer is subject to change without notice. Other terms and conditions may apply. For more information, visit any Bay Federal Credit Union branch or contact us. Visit a Branch Today! 1524 N. Main Street | Salinas National Reunification Month is a time to uplift stories of perseverance, raise awareness of the importance of family preservation, and renew our commitment to ensuring every child thrives within the care of their own family. Monterey County Family and Children’s Services recognizes the profound impact reunification can have on the well-being of children, families, and our community. Whether you are interested in becoming a Resource Family or supporting our families and children in other ways, learn more at fcsmc.org Donate • Volunteer • Participate Resource Family or supporting our families and children in other ways, learn more at fcsmc.org