www.montereycountynow.com MAY 9-15, 2024 MONTEREY COUNTY WEEKLY 23 Summer is here! It’s time to play! At Camp Quien Sabe, campers spend a week sleeping outside under the stars and learning to live in a natural setting without altering or damaging the environment. A variety of outdoor activities including swimming, hiking, boating, crafts, cooking, games, nature lore and campfires make this an exciting and memorable week for all that attend. Register online now at MONTEREY.ORG/REC For ages 7–15 years Fee: $450 per week Weekly Sessions Available: June 17 – July 26, 2024 SCAN ME! THE CITY OF MONTEREY CAMP QUIEN SABE OVERNIGHT CAMP Celebrating 71 Years of Summer Fun Learn more online about our different overnight programs at Camp Quien Sabe. The Regular Program for children 7 through 11 years, the Environmental Team (ET) Program for 12 year olds, and the Work Experience (WE) Program for ages 13–15 years. to seniors and their families For more info: (831) 394-5656 sales@mcweekly.com Monterey County Weekly in partnership with the Monterey County Area Agency on Aging will publish a directory of local professionals who provide services to seniors, people with disabilities and family caregivers. Living Well: Aging and Disability Resource Guide highlights agencies and companies in many fields including healthcare, housing, financial services and education. CominG may 23 AD DeADLine may 8 ReACh out Living Well 2023-2024 BEST OF MONTEREY BAY® BILINGUAL GUIDE AGING AND DISABILITY RESOURCE GUIDE GUÍA DE RECURSOS SOBRE ENVEJECIMIENTO Y DISCAPACIDAD Published by PRINT | WEB | MOBILE AREA AGENCY ON AGING FREE | GRATIS cover_SG23.indd 1 5/11/23 3:01 PM