www.montereycountyweekly.com APRIL 18-24, 2024 MONTEREY COUNTY WEEKLY 23 Federally Insured by NCUA | Equal Housing Lender 831.479.6000 • www.bayfed.com • 888.4BAYFED Business Loans to Help You Grow Vehicle Loans Equipment Loans Lines of Credit Proudly serving the businesses that build our community. Visit a branch today! 1524 N. Main Street | Salinas The City of Monterey is accepting applications from Monterey residents for volunteer positions on boards, commissions, and committees. The positions to fill include a combination of numerous seats with terms ending June 30, 2024 (new terms will end June 30, 2028) and various current vacancies. Who can apply? Residents of the City of Monterey are encouraged to apply. Current members with expiring terms must reapply to be considered for reappointment. Want to learn more about what Monterey’s boards, commissions, and committees do? Outreach events will be held: • at the Monterey Public Library on Saturday, April 27, 2024 at 10:15 a.m., and • via Zoom on Monday, April 29, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. For attendance information about the outreach events, and details about the responsibilities of each board, commission, and committee, visit: www.monterey.gov/bcc What seats will be filled? • Appeals Hearing Board – Four seats (one current vacancy and three expiring terms) • Architectural Review Committee – Two seats (expiring terms) • Board of Library Trustees – Three seats (expiring terms) • Building and Housing Appeals Board – Two seats (one current vacancy and one expiring term). Please see application for specifics on required qualifications. • Disabled Access Appeals Board – Three seats (two current vacancies and one expiring term). Please see application for specifics on required qualifications. • Historic Preservation Commission – Three seats (expiring terms). • Measures P and S Oversight Committee – One seat (current vacancy) • Museums and Cultural Arts Commission – Three seats (expiring terms) • Neighborhood and Community Improvement Program (NCIP) Committee – • One Representative each for the following neighborhoods: Aguajito Oaks (current vacancy), Alta Mesa (expiring term), Casanova-Oak Knoll (expiring term), Deer Flats (expiring term), Del Monte Beach (expiring term), Del Monte Grove-Laguna Grande (expiring term), Downtown (expiring term), Fisherman Flats (expiring term), Glenwood (expiring term), Oak Grove (expiring term), Old Town (current vacancy), Skyline (expiring term), and Villa Del Monte (expiring term) • One Alternate each for the following neighborhoods: Alta Mesa (current vacancy), Casanova-Oak Knoll (expiring term), Deer Flats (current vacancy), Downtown (expiring term), Fisherman Flats (expiring term), Oak Grove (expiring term), and Old Town (expiring term) • Parks and Recreation Commission – Three seats (expiring terms) • Planning Commission – Two seats (expiring terms) How can Monterey residents apply? Is there a deadline? The application is available at www.monterey.gov/bcc and can be completed online. Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis until the positions are filled. Priority review will be given to applications received by noon (12 p.m.) on Friday, May 3, 2024. What happens after applications are received? In accordance with Council policy, Mayor Williamson will review each application and interview applicants, then make recommendations based on each applicant’s interests and skills, Councilmember district representation, and the specific needs of each body at the time of appointment. The full City Council will make appointments at a public meeting, anticipated to take place prior to July 1, 2024. Appointments are made for four-year terms. To be notified of future vacancies, please join our boards and commissions interest email list at monterey.gov/subscribe For more information, visit www.monterey.gov/bcc, email the City Clerk’s Office at cityclerk@monterey.gov, or call (831) 646-3935. Published: April 18, 2024 Here is a chance to get more involved in your beautiful city! Announcing Outreach Events and Open Applications for Positions on Monterey’s Boards, Commissions, and Committees