
Support Local Independent Journalism Become a Weekly Insider: insider.montereycountyweekly.com INSIDER How to Join Go online at insider.montereycountyweekly.com Or by mail: 668 Williams Ave., Seaside, CA 93955 Your contribution level: $500 $150 $50 $20 $15 $10 Other $________ Contribution schedule: Monthly (dollar match special) Annual One-time Name_ ________________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________ City, State_ ____________________________________________________________________ Email____________________________________ Phone________________________________ May we include your name in public acknowledgements? Yes How would you like your name to appear?_ _________________________________________ No, I would prefer to be anonymous Payment: Credit card number______________________________________________________________ Expiration date __________________________CVV code_ _____________________________ Name/Billing address (if different from above)_______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ For more info: linda@mcweekly.com (831) 394-5656 032824 www.montereycountyweekly.com march 28-april 3, 2024 MONTEREY COUNTY WEEKLY 29 A special note about our advertisers: In addition to the many, many individuals listed in these pages, Monterey County Weekly got support this past year from 949 different organizations. The vast majority of the advertisers in the newspaper, the newsletter and website are local businesses and nonprofit organizations that have advertised with us for many years. In the Before Times, local advertising was essentially the only source of revenue for the Weekly. As we recognize the many people who have helped our company move into a business model where reader revenue is ever more important, we wish to acknowledge and thank those business decision-makers who have long used our platforms to help their own organizations succeed. Not only do local advertisers utilize Monterey County Weekly and Monterey County NOW to market their businesses, but as we know, most of them are loyal and voracious readers as well. Next time you find yourself doing business with one of our advertisers, please mention that you saw their message in our pages or on our digital platforms. We would not be here without them. Thanks for reading, Erik Cushman, Publisher