12 MONTEREY COUNTY WEEKLY march 14-20, 2024 www.montereycountyweekly.com Democracy In Action Congratulations to [Assembly Speaker Robert] Rivas on your Tuesday primary results. Now onto November for an easy win (“Monterey County voters weigh in with support for returning three incumbents to Sacramento,” posted March 5). Chris Sierra | via social media Great photos and great reporting! Congrats to democracy in Monterey County! (“Early results from the Monterey County Elections Office are in,” posted March 5.) Esther Hobbs | via social media OMG!! So happy for you both [Kate Daniels and Wendy Root Askew for county supervisor]! Congratulations! Carmelita Garcia | Pacific Grove Well done and much deserved! Our districts are in good hands. Esther Malkin | Monterey Go Kate Daniels! Congratulations! (“Kate Daniels clinches an early victory for the District 5 seat on the Monterey County Board of Supervisors,” posted March 5.) Tina Giuliani | via social media I still don’t understand how/why the Democratic Party lined up against Alan Haffa. Corey Thornburg Brunson | via social media Broken Down First, I’d like to thank Pam Marino for her thorough and thoughtful reporting on the challenges we are facing here at 359 Larkin St. (“Monterey takes action to force repairs at a dilapidated apartment complex,” March 7-13). I’ve lived in this beautiful little complex for 20-plus years, so I’ve had the opportunity to witness firsthand how it’s changed during that time, and it’s true that it has certainly begun to show its age. Fortunately, a few months ago we had a young lady move in who has become our onsite apartment manager, and she has worked tirelessly to begin addressing many of the issues brought up by the City of Monterey, and I’m quite hopeful that with her continued direction, over the coming months we will see this lovely complex given the attention and care it so richly deserves. Derek Dean | via web Tax Season In 2018, everyone thought that cannabis would be a huge revenue source for local governments, but half of our local operators have been taxed out of business (“Growers hope to repeal 2018 tax on cannabis businesses,” March 7-13). The County slashed its taxes by 90 percent but the Monterey County Regional Fire District has only raised theirs. They were asked nicely to lower it, but it is up to the voters now. [MCRFD] can put up their own measure if they want. They need to balance their budget some other way. Bob Roach | Salinas Note: Roach is the former executive director of the Monterey County Cannabis Industry Association. Homing In Whew, what an article! (“For some residents of East Garrison, their dream home has become a nightmare,” Feb. 22-28.) In 2017, we were SO close to buying a home in East Garrison. We had visited the models at least a dozen times. We loved the idea of having a local library in walking distance, and an arts district with shops and restaurants. We had a model picked out and a couple of corner lots in our sights in the next phase, and as our number got closer on the waitlist, they gave me the login to look at cabinets and finishes. When the time came, we asked ourselves if we were really willing to pay Mello Roos [fees] and live under another HOA…and we walked away. No regrets. Amanda Whitmire | Monterey Flood Warning Thank you for your article about the flooding and aftermath in Pajaro (“The floodwaters have long receded from Pajaro. But one year later residents and businesses are still struggling to stay afloat,” Feb. 29-March 6). Also, as reported in the news at the time, a portion of Scenic Road just outside Carmel was undermined by waves and collapsed, restricting access to two homes and of course inconveniencing the tourists who love to drive that area for the view. This was in County jurisdiction just outside the City of Carmel, one of the richest areas in the world. County officials showed up the next day and promised to fix it quickly and they did, spending a lot of money on it. In the same time period, officials from the county, state and federal government showed up in Pajaro to tell the residents that there was no money to help them. Officials suggested that they ask local nonprofits for help. As always, “Them that’s got shall get; them that’s not shall lose.” Bruce Merchant | Carmel Out Loud In Assembly Bill 587, it is unconstitutional to include “disinformation” in that bill (“Free Speech,” March 7-13). If you will remember back in 2020, hundreds of people were getting censored, banned from social media, and even being jailed for spreading “disinformation,” some of which was later found to be true! Looking back, it would be easy to find multiple instances of our own government guilty of spreading information that was false. Freedom of speech is so important that our Founding Fathers put it before everything else. Once we start chipping away at our rights, we will slowly lose them. James Stoll | Marina Mixed Greens When we moved here, I was from Southern California, where the big crop was oranges (“Our region feeds most of the country, but many don’t know where their food comes from,” posted March 5). I looked at the fields, and thought I’d learn to recognize what I saw growing. Well—strawberries and artichokes, maybe—but I soon learned that there are so many crops here. It was like trying to learn to recognize all the different kinds of seaweed on the beach. Many years ago, I was fortunate enough to see a bit of Peru. I remember the driver carefully pointing out, “Those are eucalyptus trees,” and I thought, “Well, of course. That’s obvious.” Ann Folsom | Monterey Letters • CommentsOPINION Submit letters to the editor to letters@mcweekly.com. Please keep your letter to 150 words or less; subject to editing for space. Please include your full name, contact information and city you live in.