4 MONTEREY COUNTY WEEKLY october 26-November 1, 2023 www.montereycountyweekly.com THE BUZZ FREE SPEECH Monterey County Superior Court is, in general, open to the public and the press. Media coverage that goes beyond the use of a pen and notepad requires a court order signed by a judge, granting permission to use tools like cameras in the courtroom. The Weekly, among other local outlets, received an order signed by Judge Rafael Vazquez for coverage of the murder trial of Gustavo Morales who, on Oct. 24, was convicted for murdering Salinas police officer JD Alvarado in 2022. But after day one of the trial, bailiffs delivered verbal orders to the media saying the judge’s order no longer applied—there would be no photography or videorecording. (Bailiffs first directed members of the press to leave the courtroom entirely and instead view a video stream of the trial, until the Weekly pushed back and the press was allowed back in to observe and take notes.) TV stations KSBW and KION requested permission to film the verdict read-out—but were denied. “People have the right to know what’s going on in that courtroom,” says Scott Rates, KION’s news director. Good: Another week, another grant for researchers at CSU Monterey Bay. This time, the university has received $5 million from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Partnerships for ClimateSmart Commodities program. The fiveyear grant will help Arlene Haffa, a professor in CSUMB’s biology and chemistry department, and a team of researchers who will be measuring off-gassing in local agricultural fields, to help improve the way USDA estimates the climate impacts of specialty crops—like leafy greens, berries and broccoli—that are grown in the region. The work will also see a group of bilingual staffers provide small, underserved growers in the area with assistance in implementing more effective farming practices, with the promise of financial incentives if those growers adopt them. CSUMB’s project is one of 141 being funded through the $3.1 billion federal program. GREAT: Congratulations to Stephanie Nocita-Apperson, a paramedic with American Medical Response in Monterey County. She’s set to be recognized Nov. 5 at the American Ambulance Association’s Stars of Life Awards Ceremony in Washington, D.C., as one of 32 global medical response “stars of life,” one of the highest honors for emergency medical services personnel. Nocita-Apperson was nominated for life-saving action in two medical crises. In one case she rescued a woman who collapsed in Carmel Plaza and needed CPR. The other was a response to a 7-day-old baby experiencing cardiac arrest; he is now a healthy 2-year-old. These “field saves” both resulted in full recovery for the patient. “In this business we all put ourselves out there and hope for the best,” Nocita-Apperson says. “It’s amazing when things work out for the best.” GOOD WEEK / GREAT WEEK THE WEEKLY TALLY The amount of an American Rescue Act capital grant awarded to the County of Monterey to expand health care infrastructure that will be used to purchase a mobile medical unit to serve both as a medical and dental clinic, the first of its kind for the county’s clinics. Source: Supervisor Wendy Root Askew October newsletter $1,017,066 QUOTE OF THE WEEK “I am asking myself, ‘What would Jesus do?’” -County Supervisor Mary Adams, who joined a 3-2 vote on Oct. 17 against a resolution in solidarity with Israel. Instead, the supervisors asked for revisions to reflect a desire for peace for Palestinians as well. A revised resolution again failed on Oct. 24, with a 3-2 vote to take no action (see stories, mcweekly.com). Monterey County Weekly’s 101 WORD STORY CONTEST First Prize is $101 2nd and 3rd place winners receive gift certificates! We’ll publish the winners in our December 21, 2023 issue Upload stories at: www.mcweekly.com/101words or by mail: Monterey County Weekly 101-Word Short Story Contest 668 Williams Ave., Seaside CA 93955 THURSDAY, NOV. 30 BY 5PM Write your name, address and phone number on each page you submit. Monterey County Weekly assumes no responsibility for returning submissions. Follow along and comment on stories at www.montereycountyweekly.com. 1. Stories may contain fewer than 101 words. 2. If a hyphenated word can be broken into two (or more) free-standing words it will be counted as two (or more) words. 3. Abbreviations are counted as one word. (“CA” or “California,” it’s still one word.) 4. Contractions are counted as one word. (“Isn’t” is one word; “is not” is two.) 5. Titles are not counted and are not necessary. 6. We reserve the right to re-title stories. 7. Poems are not acceptable. 8. Limit 3 entries per person. 9. If you mail in your entry, it must be submitted on 8.5 x 11 inch paper. PRINT | WEB | MOBILE DECEMBER 22-28, 2022 MONTEREYCOUNTYWEEKLY.COM LOCAL & INDEPENDENT HOUSING AGENCY BREAKUP 10 | BRIDGING THE GAP 14 | FATHER CHRISTMAS 34 | COOKIE RECIPES 40